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Cancellation Policy and Booking Fees



If booking on to training course / Masterclass, a non-refundable deposit is required. This amount will be agreed with the student at the time of booking and will be stated under all course information.


A non-refundable balance is then due 1 week in advance of your course date. This information will be provided to you on your course confirmation email sent by us.


If, for any Serious or Major reason / circumstance, you need to rebook your training date we require a 14 day notice period, or a new deposit will become payable. You will also need to Prove why you needed to change your training date, and the decision will be made upon our discretion.


​Should you need to change the date past 14 days cancellation period and once the full balance payment has been made this becomes non refundable.


If you do need to cancel or rearrange your training, please WhatsApp on +44 7775945668 or Email us at


Please leave a clear message stating the following:


• That you wish to cancel or rearrange
• Your full name
• Your telephone number
• The date and time of your course
• The course/s you were booked in for.






  • All course fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Pose Aesthetics / Pose Training academy is unable to offer refunds where training is cancelled or postponed outside of our control. An alternative training date will be offered.   It is the student’s responsibility to get in touch to reschedule any such postponed training. The Academy is not responsible for any loss of income or accommodation/travelling costs students may incur due to the cancellation of courses.


Cancellation of Courses Paid by Finance / Payment Plan


Premium Credit / Klarna only: Courses purchased using the aforementioned payment methods would be eligible for a 14 day ‘Cooling Off’ period which begins from the agreed date of plan commencement and expires after 14 days or as soon as any part of the course is redeemed e.g. attendance of a training day or accessing the online student portal to begin online learning. When accessing the portal for the first time, you are reminded of these terms and agree to cease your ‘Cooling Off’ period by proceeding. If you do not provide at least 14 days notice in writing prior to a booked training course of non-attendance, this will be considered a no-show and expire the cooling off period as if the course was attended. Rescheduling of such unattended training will be at Pose Aesthetics discretion and may incur a new deposit to secure.


If you wish to exercise your right to cancel, you must notify us in writing within the 14 day period by emailing – you would also need to contact the finance provider to cancel your agreement once we have confirmed acceptance of your request to cancel. We reserve the right to make a charge to cover our reasonable administration costs and would advise if applicable upon confirming receipt of your cancellation request.


PayPal Credit only: Courses purchased using the aforementioned payment methods would not be subject to the ‘Cooling Off’ period as this credit is for an agreed maximum ongoing credit limit and not tied directly to booking for the course(s). If you wish to cancel PayPal Credit, you would need to contact PayPal and clear the credit account balance outstanding with them directly. Any courses cancelled at our discretion, would be applied as a credit on file to rebook or transfer to alternative training within a 6 month period from the original course date.


In line with new legislation, consumers may wish to visit the following website in the event of any dispute European Online Dispute Resolution.


In the event that you are unable to attend a booked and confirmed training date, we may be able to offer a reschedule of the training (subject to availability and at the discretion of Pose Aesthetics ), provided you contact us no later than 14 days prior to the training course date by email to our Bookings team. Where it is possible to offer a reschedule of training,  We operate a ‘fair use’ policy for rescheduling and all courses can only be rescheduled on one occasion. Our team will respond to confirm whether a reschedule is possible and where it is not possible and the student chooses not to attend their training, you may forfeit your course fee.

Where a student is a ‘no show’, failing to attend for their booked training date without a minimum of 3 day’s notice by email to our Bookings team, you will automatically forfeit your course fee and Pose Aesthetics will be under no obligation to provide any further training or any refund.


Courses booked as part of discounted ‘last minute offers’ will be strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. These are discounted specifically for attendance on the booked course/date/venue by their very nature and so this price does not transfer to other courses. If you need to reschedule for a genuine reason (medical or compassionate), we may at our discretion, place the course fee paid minus a rescheduling fee, as credit on file valid for 6 months towards booking courses.


Any applicable price difference would need to be paid when redeeming the credit on file to book further courses.


The only exceptions to the above, where a reschedule may be offered free of charge  (depending on reason), on one further occasion only and subject to availability will be in the event of:

  • medical reasons (with a valid medical certificate covering named student/training date).

  • compassionate reasons such as close family bereavement (proof of which may be required) for non-attendance.

  • ​

In the first instance, please contact our team at regarding your reschedule request (or non-attendance), who will respond within 24 working hours.


In the event that Pose Aesthetics/Pose Training Academy should have to cancel your course for reasons outside of our control; Pose Aesthetics will endeavor to give students at least 24 hours’ notice of any cancellation by telephone and/or email. The Academy is not responsible for any loss of income or accommodation/travelling costs students may incur due to the cancellation of courses. All courses required to be cancelled/postponed by Pose Aesthetics will be rescheduled for a further course date within 6 months of the original booked course date. Such courses remain non-refundable but may be transferred to alternative courses if desired, to the same value.


Online Courses


All online courses are strictly non-refundable as we incur a registration fee for the online student portal for all online courses which we remain liable to cover regardless of whether the course is accessed and/or completed. Please ensure online courses meet your training needs, you have a suitable device connected to the internet through which to access the course/portal and are able to source the products/tools/models you require to complete the necessary case studies to pass the course. We may consider transferring students to one of our other online courses to the same value as goodwill, where a course is found to be unsuitable for an individual student; although this may be subject to an additional registration fee. Students are given 8 weeks initial access to our online portal, which can be extended by request to our Support team. Maximum duration for completing online courses is 12 months from date of booking.



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